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Wesch Pulling Clamps

Tool Boards Pull Clamps
Professional Auto Body Pulling Clamps For Ultimate Repair Speed And Functionality

"Accomplish The Impossible" With These Unique Wesch Auto Body Pulling Clamps
The Grapple Panel Clamp Sr & Jr auto body pulling devices are an amazing pair of product innovations
and are one of a kind patented marvels that enable never before achievable capabilities.

Grapple Panel Puller Junior

Grapple Panel Puller Jr.

This remarkable pulling clamp is a smaller version of the Grapple Sr. Panel Puller. The difference between the two clamps is the hole size, and pulling capacity. This clamp requires a five eighths hole for your pull. This is great for roughing out a quarter door panel and rocker just to mention a few. Manufactuer Specification: Pulling capacity up to one ton. This is a one of a kind Pulling Clamp.. $189.99

Grapple Panel Puller Senior

Grapple Panel Puller

This Pulling Clamp simplifies pulling and straightening of those panels that have no access behind it. Just drill a 1-5/8″ – 2″ hole and insert the three feet and pull away. Now you can access those panels that couldn’t be accessed before. Width 5″ depth 5″. Manufacturer Specification: Pulls up to 8 tons. Great for large truck frame repair Pulling capacity eight tons..

Watch The Grapple Puller Video

The Grapple Panel Pulling Clamp is a Engineering Marvel that now enables pulling in areas never before accessible.
Therefore the Grapple Panel Pulling Clamps earns an "Outstanding Evaluation"

Call: 305-793-9503 For Information

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