Spectratek Automotive Paint Curing Lamps
Paint Curing Lamps
Paint Curing Heat Lamps by Spectratek
AMH Canada produces the finest Infrared and UV paint curing lamp
systems that have earned highest worldwide recognition for over 40 years.
systems that have earned highest worldwide recognition for over 40 years.
All Curing Lamps On Sale
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The 4000SD and 8000SD by AMH Canada
are the top of the line fully microprocessor controlled paint and substrate IR curing lamps.
Advanced Digital Controls combined with distance and heat sensors effectively computes the lamp is perfectly setup with the proper distance and heat setting. You will always be alerted if the lamp is not set properly.
Advanced Digital Controls combined with distance and heat sensors effectively computes the lamp is perfectly setup with the proper distance and heat setting. You will always be alerted if the lamp is not set properly.
Articulated gas activated arm adjusts to any position around the vehicle. Automatic quick setup provides a great user experience with no chance of overheating the coating. Ramp times can be set as well.Learn More Click Photos For Details_ ___ _
Paint Shop Necessity
Before laying down your finish coats discharge all static from the vehicle with the easiest most efficient way with the remarkable Stat-Gun static eliminator.
You will produce amazing clean results and perfect metallic blends by eliminating those annoying airborne particles while producing the ultimate paint finishes, time savings and happy customers.
AMH Overhead High Production Infrared Paint Drying System
Spectratek Motorized Overhead Paint Curing System
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The Spectratek Overhead Track System is the most productive and practical investment in paint shop production enhancement there has ever been. The Spectratek SPT4000TS & SPT8000TS are available in Infrared IR (and or) Ultraviolet UV or in Combination of both. The Spectratek overhead paint curing system is installed in many word wide foreign and domestic auto manufacturer plants and thousands of body shops and aircraft facilities. List is available on request.
With the touch of a button the motorized arm positions the lamp arrays effortlessly to any part of the vehicle surface. The heat lamp arrays are totally adjustable to conform to any vehicle shape or design for the most balanced heat transfer available. Designed for those professionals that want the highest levels of production and uncluttered paint area environment with set it and forget technology providing safe paint curing. AMH Canada has done an outstanding job in the manufacture of the Spectratek Overhead Track Short Wave Infrared paint curing System. This product has earned worldwide acclaim.
For a free consultation please contact us for more information and an evaluation of your shop.
We Are Official Spectratek and Spectratherm Parts suppliers

We are Authorized AMH Canada Distributors for Spectratek, Spectratherm, Compuspot, Ultramig, Blue Boy Benders, AlumAtech Aluminum Repair Station - CSA & CE Approvals - CSA CE & CCC Approvals