Dent Puller CompuSpot 160
Dent Pullers Rivet Guns
The Compuspot 160 is the replacement dent puller/spot welder for the popular
Port A Spot 2000 and 2002.
New advanced automotive metals have required new technology and power requirements to
accomplish quality welds and dent-pulling capabilities. Learn more about the CompuSpot 160

Individual settings of time and power make the Compuspot 160
the 1st choice of professional auto body technicians around the world.
The CompuSpot 160 Dent Puller offers high-tech precision digital control with
separate settings of Timing AND Power not found on other dent pulling units.
The CompuSpot 160 outperforms all other dent pullers.
Call us for more information. 305-793-9503
Key Features of the CompuSpot 160 Dent Puller:
- Digital display with keypad control of time and power,
- Compact 11"x 11" x 9 "
- Lightweight
only 48 lbs, 22kg).
Quickly change electrodes with a new single-side gun.
Quick star washer dent pulling: fast and easy to use
slide hammer included for quickest dent removal.
- Weld threaded studs (nails), washers, rivets, flameless carbon heat shrinking rod, and window moldings,
- Shrinking with copper flattening tip for high spots produces even panel repairs very efficiently.
- Easy access around vehicles.
- CE & CCC approvals.
We are Authorized AMH Canada Distributors for Spectratek, Spectratherm, Compuspot, Ultramig, Blue Boy Benders, AlumAtech Aluminum Repair Station - CSA & CE Approvals - CSA CE & CCC Approvals